Magician, Teacher, Psychologist
"I know nothing but the holiness of the heart's affections and the truth of the imagination"
John Keats
"I know nothing but the holiness of the heart's affections and the truth of the imagination"
John Keats

A thread of magic runs through all three of the hats he wears. Magic is all about connections, the inter-connectedness of all things, what the Indians call “the jewel net of Indra.” The web that connects everything, tug on one thread of the web and everything moves, an image for “Inter-being,” as Thich Nhat Hahn calls it. From this Inter-being perspective the seemingly impossible becomes possible -telepathy, synchronicity, profound love, distant healing, dreams coming true, interspecies communication for example.
Psychology for Tom explores the ways in which we are connected with one another, ourselves and with the non-human worlds. Our inner lives and outer lives are inter-related, inter-connected, woven together in an amazing web of possibilities and transformation. We live through a day and then that night our dreams comment, revise and help us evolve in more conscious ways. It’s all about inter-connectedness and evolution toward higher and deeper consciousness.
Teaching for Tom is about relationship, Plato’s quality of eros that moves back and forth between student and teacher. The student in the teacher awakens the teacher in the student and both develop and grow
in this dance of learning.
Psychology for Tom explores the ways in which we are connected with one another, ourselves and with the non-human worlds. Our inner lives and outer lives are inter-related, inter-connected, woven together in an amazing web of possibilities and transformation. We live through a day and then that night our dreams comment, revise and help us evolve in more conscious ways. It’s all about inter-connectedness and evolution toward higher and deeper consciousness.
Teaching for Tom is about relationship, Plato’s quality of eros that moves back and forth between student and teacher. The student in the teacher awakens the teacher in the student and both develop and grow
in this dance of learning.
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